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Why are 3DS games region-locked on a 3DS, but DS games are not?

For those who still don't understand...

I have Rune Factory 2 (DS) from America, it works on my 3DS, but 3DS games are region-locked.

Why is this?


@Connor, why are you talking about the original DS and DSi? I never said anything about them.

I'm asking why my American -DS- game is not region locked out of my European -3DS-. When American -3DS- games are.

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    When Nintendo were making the 3DS Console they decided that it would be beneficial for them if they were to region lock the games. They do this to make more money; however they did not make the decision to do this when they were making DS games and therefore the DS games work perfectly fine in the 3DS system as it is the games that are locked not the console.

    Source(s): Gamer
  • 8 years ago

    its because the gaming card has a chip inside the game which will only let you use it in a 3ds and it wont activate in an ordinary ds/dsi

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    So 3ds games can make more money

  • 8 years ago

    as a ploy to get more money out of consumers. Good thing for jailbreaks it makes no difference.

  • Martin
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    it's mainly down to the online functions and e shop stuff.

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