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how is a carer meant to behave in tough situations?

If there is a carer looking after a disabled person, who yelled at their client just because the client forgot to tell the carer where they were headed to, the client asked the ambulance attendant whether it was okay not go on the stretcher (and the carer demanded the client to be on the stretcher) and the carer yelled at the client to wear something is this bad treatment?


The client is basically fine taking care of themselves within their home country, but travelling overseas or interstate, just need assistance. And the client just had a very bad cold

1 Answer

  • 8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    There is a lot of information left out of your question,how severe the situation in an ambulance is...whether or not a missing hearing aid is involved, dementia, compulsion to self harm, drug overdose, imminent danger...professional caregivers and home nurses are expensive, mistreated often and blamed when the inevitable occurs. When family or other workers are late they stay to avoid patient abandonment...where are their own families and children in day care doing then? It seems like this question stems from a critical and uninformed person.

    Source(s): 20 years of nursing
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