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What do you think of a girl who uses sexual innuendos?

I work in a bar and obviously with a lot of men and between us all, we use a lot of sexual innuendos, just between ourselves and some regulars, its all harmless fun....or so I thought, when recently I was out with friends, who introduced me to a couple of other guys, enjoyed the night with them, did my usual of sexual innuendos, in the hope that everyone would laugh and just relax, only to be told a few days later that one of the fellas asked if I was a ****? im angry and embarassed.....that someone would ask my friend that....and also isn't there enough fakes out there trying to look perfect yet going out and performing sexual activities.....any it wrong as a young woman that i use sexual innuendos? or should i forget what this young man said?

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Sounds like typical male double standards to me, fortunately it is just one person saying it so I think you are safe to continue as long as you are having fun with people you know.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Nah don't feel weird. Guys do that ALL the time, and no one calls them sluts. I despise it when things like that are expected of men, but as soon as a woman says them, they're a whore. Do what you want! Don't listen to that ***-hole

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I would find that *** and slap him, he had no right to ask nor assume that whatsoever. You are fine...

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