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Old PS1 game I can't remember the name of.?

I believe it was a strategy game where you were the owner of a hotel.

In it you had to use your guests to "annoy" away the enemy guests, such as putting a guy who hits walls next to them.

It used a grid system for the guest rooms, and some guests could lower other guests annoyance gauge. I definitely remember a healer type being a singer, which had green arrows pointing off her room. There were of course red arrows to show who was causing annoyance and where. I also remember some of the guests changed their healer and annoy arrows based on how content or annoyed they were.

Please let me know of this game's name, I loved it so much.

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    look it up with different key words in google images

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