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All Ex-Jehovah Witnessess why did you leave your religion?

I am a Christian, and for the past three weeks I have been sharing with two and recently a third JW, and while they say they believe Jesus is the son of God they say He is not God all Mighty, they also say the Holy Spirit is "God's active force" and since he--HS has no name he is not real or part of the Godhead (Mat. 12:31-32), they don't believe that what Jesus did---healings can occur today because he is no longer here, they won't lay hands on the sick as mentioned in the Bible but rather, see their own suffer while we are reminded that we can lay hands on the sick and they will heal (of course, this can only be attested to if a person has actually experienced such a healing as mentioned in God's word). Also, they say they have the 'correct' version of God's word since it comes from the 'original' texts so when I ask to see or read the original, they say the 'originals' have been lost/burned. Further, they say Jesus is "a god" and that Lucifer is a god and that Jesus could not be God because 'God can't be tempted as when Lucifer tempted Christ. In addition, they also say that Jesus is Michael the Archangel before he was Jesus and that Jesus is the first creation and not God All Mighty although KJV says (i.e. Gen. 1:26 that there are more then one person). They also reject the Trinity because there is no mention of such (yet, 1 Jn. 5:7 and others say otherwise) and say "the holy spirit has no name so he is not a real person"; that other 'version' of the Bible are mistaken because their is the only correct one without mistakes especially when i read Jn. 1:1).

Throughout our 'sessions' or chats, they easily dismiss all other Bibles and anything I presented-- based on my KJV, and I noticed they are staunch in what they belief pertaining to Jehovah, the Holy Spirit and about Jesus not being God.

So ex-JWs, what lead you to turn from your belief as one and into becoming or accepting to be a Christian?

Thanks for sharing and I hope you don't mind the long question here.


First, thank you everyone for your honest input and for sharing yourself with me by opening up your hearts and letting me see within you-- I am a psychologist and I love seeing people thought their words. Secondly, I am not a troll; Lucifer is seen as "a god" and although they will not say such, they acknowledge him as 'god of the world" which is why they resent people when they say "God bless you" and when they read Jn. 1:1 they say 'the word is a god" and even when I asked two of these individuals to read my KJV, they would say "a god" (they were lying right there in front of me) but I knew that they were deflecting the truth and were inaccurate so I corrected by saying ".....the Word was God" (Jn.11-2; Gen, 1:1; Gen. 1:26) and would they simply replied "so what?" Obviously, they were deflecting the truth over their bible which they affirm is the only one but as I stated, they don't have actual text to pro

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    I was born in. As such, it was never my choice.

    For most of my life I believed because I believed my parents. But as I grew older I started to have questions. The answers became more questions and eventually I was told to stop asking questions.

    The Watchtower is very quick to point out faults of all other religions. When the fault finding is pointed inward they recoil and make excuses for why it is acceptable for them, but not other religions.

    In the end, it was hypocrisy. They merely try to keep people focused on how bad everyone else is and punish anyone that points out their own shortcomings.

    There was no way I could accept that as the only true religion.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    The reason I stopped going is I resented being forced to give up my weekend from school when I was 12. Lost my faith then when I was about 17 and gained a small faith back because of personal events but never went back to the kingdom hall. When I was 25 I decided to throw out all doctrine and teach myself I researched everything before I read any Bible and every site that wasn't a Catholic site said the new world translation is the closest to the original Hebrew and Greek. So I read it and compared it to other Bibles and you ready for this IT SAYS THE SAME FRIGGEN THING!!! the core beliefs are all the same the differences are the interpretation of Scripture. The only thing supporting the Trinity doctrine is those three verses in john that a previous poster said the other 200 verses in the old testament says its gods messenger or his son NOT God himself. The king James version through my research is 25% inaccurate that means its only 75% accurate, nwt 87% ill take 87 over 75 anyday.

    Source(s): Two years of research and reading unbiased materials the truth is without the original letters and Gospels nobody truely knows what they said with 100% accuracy except for the ones who wrote them, God and his SON Jesus.
  • 8 years ago

    They said that Jesus and Lucifer are gods? That's weird. I know they interpolated an "a" in there when John says "And the Word was with God, and the Word was God" to support their unitarian views, but I've never heard them actually refer to Jesus as a god. And Lucifer is certainly never called a god; he is seen as merely a very powerful fallen angel (and he is always called Satan or the Devil, never Lucifer).

    Anyway, I was never baptized as a JW so I feel that I can't call myself an "ex-JW" per se, but I was raised by a JW mother and a Catholic father who until recently was not religious, so all my religious instruction was from JW meetings and materials until I told my mom I wasn't interested in being a JW when I was 16.

    I did this because I was angry at God for letting a pet of mine die in quite a horrible way (again, I was 16), and this led me to earnestly seek some answers. Eventually came to the conclusion that Christianity was bunk and spent a few years as an atheist. But I'm not really the strictly rational type, so I got tired of being an atheist and have been easing myself back into spirituality ever since. (I still think fundamentalist Christianity is bunk though. Christianity is a beautiful religion, but fundamentalist interpretations are an embarrassment to it.)

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Firstly, this sounds like a troll to me - hence you asking for ex Jws to comment. (And a JW would never call Satan Lucifer!)

    And any JWs will be more than happy to look at any version of the bible.

    If it is genuine, then you obviously arent listening or looking at the scriptures in your own bible as you will see what they are saying is correct. It says quite clearly that the gifts ended with the apostles.

    It also says so many many times that Jesus is the son of Almighty God, his only begotten son, the first of creation. How can you not accept the Bible's word that tells how Jesus prayed to his father, called Jehovah his God and our God, said he was going to his father, is sitting at the right of his father (not inside him) and was approved by his father. There are just so many examples in the scriptures (whatever bible you use) that it is clear he is not Almighty God.

    Think - what was the ransom sacrifice about? If you know your bible it was Jesus "the last Adam" coming to earth as a perfect man to sacrifice himself to buy back the eternal life that Adam lost for all of us. Even Genesis gives the reason for Jesus's coming to earth. Almighty God could not come to earth and die! It would not be a balance for what was lost by a perfect man if Almighty God paid the ransom.

    But, I reckon this is a wind- up so you will get lots of anti JW posts rather than seek the truth

    NB How brilliant that the ex JW on here has researched and also found the NWT is acknowledged as the most accurate in the world - wonderful, I get so fed up with anti JWs going on about it being adulterated to suit JW purposes :)

    NB again. You quote John 5:7 as proof of the trinity? But that actually denies the three in one idea! It shows Almighty God and Jesus are separate persons.

  • 7 years ago

    this is like you were asking to some runners who gave up in marathon why did you stop running?

    The logic is that they had their own personal problems it doesn't mean that the marathon was bad. what about all those who crossed the line goal?

    if 2 or 3 people gave up but 100 or more keep forward, what is your veredict?

    why do you focus on the weakness of that kind of people? why don't focus on the strong ones? what does it make them keep going?

    I've been running for 13 years as one of JW and I gotta tell ya that the one who gave up it is because of fleshly desires, materialism, fame, etc.

    There is nothing new to mention, it is just their love to serve Jehovah is not so strong and they love more the things of these world

    1 John 2: 15-17

    for more information visit:

  • 7 years ago

    They escaped the happy for them.

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