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EV training Aegislash, Defence, Special Defence or Speed?

Wanting to have Aegislash as one of my main fighters, I'm going to max its Attack, but I'm not sure what to EV train after that.

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Its base stat for Def, Sp.Def and Speed is the same. I rather choose Speed as its Att and Sp.Att stat is monstrous. quick launch,heavy damage. Besides,its def will increase however if its in shield form.

  • 5 years ago

    If you wish to experience secure in your house or in a dark road, during the night then you definitely need this system , Patriot Self Defense , a program designed for persons like you.

    The Patriot Self Defense plan is an excellent program for individuals who want to protect themselves learning the practices of self-defense, the best on line, greater that all the people how know martial art.

    The wonderful plan Patriot Self Defense is no doubt an ideal program anybody.

  • 4 years ago


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