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Mark G
Lv 7
Mark G asked in HealthAlternative Medicine · 8 years ago

Are herbal remedies a complete waste of money?

Horny Goat Weed, Dormesan sleep with Valerian root etc etc.

I have taken these things to absolutely no effect whatsoever. Is there any scientific proof that they work? Has anyone had any success with herbal ingredients?

I reckon it's all a bunch of POPPYCOCK and HOCUS-POCUS myself.....

5 Answers

  • Lava
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Mostly. Ginger isn't, it works better than Dramamine for motion sickness and generally helps stomach problems, it's the only herb I know of with actual scientific evidence backing it. Slippery elm helps headaches, garlic cures fungal infections, marijuana lessens menstrual cramps and nausea, chamomile can help relax you before bed, kava kava in high doses can temporarily improve your mood. Other than ginger, though, modern medicines usually are faster and more reliable with fewer side effects. Kava kava, for example usually stops working on a person in a short time so useless for long term treatment, while chamomile can cause uterine contractions in high doses and should be avoided by pregnant women.

    The vast majority of herbal remedies are mostly hogcock (which is a combination of hogwash and poppycock), especially things meant to aid mental disorders like depression, promote memory retention, cause sleep, etc. The more vague and numerous the symptoms it supposedly treats, the more likely it's bullcrap. Plants and herbs are where we get most of our medicines, they are the original medicines, but be skeptical of the ones that treat modern or mental diseases. Cave people knew what plants dulled pain or speed up healing, not which ones helped with clinical depression or anxiety.

  • 8 years ago

    You're right, it's mostly hooey. But there's a thing called "the placebo effect" where if you take a medication and you really really believe it'll work then you'll feel a bit better. If you were to give an herbal remedy to a cancer patient who really believed in that stuff then they tend to feel better. They'd still have cancer but they won't be as nauseous during chemo, they'll be a bit happier and they won't feel as bad from day to day. This is why "integrated medicine" can be useful, because a doctor can give a patient some real medicine and give them some type of homeopathic remedy to at least lift their spirits. Happier people tend to recover faster. In this indirect way, these herbal remedies could be helpful.

    But for anybody who knows it doesn't really help, like us, this stuff is totally useless.

    Some doctors think it's dangerous to put faith in herbal remedies at all because some people will actually forgo traditional medicine and take herbal supplements and they end up getting really sick and dying. This has happened a lot. Famously with HIV/AIDS deniers, people who don't believe that HIV causes AIDS. They get really sick and they just take "natural medicine" and they give it to their HIV/AIDS infected children and they end up dying because they were misinformed about biology and medicine.

    Source(s): Studying to be a lab technician
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    No. Herbal supplements often have undeclared pharmaceuticals in them that may lead to heart attack, strokes, and brain hemorrhages. Do not take these herbal remedies for any reason, especially if you are a female. A diet supplement, Ephedra, was removed from store shelves a few years back because it make young people have strokes.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    No not at all i dont agree with this herbal medicine are too good for health in fact everyone should go for herbal treatment first

    If looking for more professional answers and benefits of herbal treatment then kindly visit this site!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    It depends on the quality of the herb and the amount you take. I've had much success using herbal remedies.

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