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BoSs asked in HealthMen's Health · 8 years ago

I'm 18..can i still grow?

Hi, My name is John and 18 years old..Male

so i had suffer from chronic diarrhea since i think i was 16..i know it sound crazy but whatever, .it wasnt so bad until i was 17. i thought it was normal because of "lack of knowledge" and i should have tell my mom but i didnt.

but now, i just got recover from the treatment but like my body look like a 15 years old cause i know my absorption wasnt good because of diarrhea..SO CAN MY BODY FRAME CAN STILL GROW BIGGER IF I START EATING RIGHT, GET ENOUGH CALORIES AND NUTRITIONS SPECIALLY CALCIUM?

family background: my dad is a big guy and my mom is average. THANK YOU

3 Answers

  • google
    Lv 4
    8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Yes you will. Guys can grow until 21. You have do do some exercis to increase height. Google it

  • 8 years ago

    Some people have known to grow past 18 years old all the way to 20 but its unlikely. Keep trying!

  • Probably not.

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