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Why do people call the Xbox One and PS4 next gen when they're now this gen?

They're released now so technically they are now 'this gen' not 'next gen'. So why do people keep calling them 'next gen'?


Then that would mean that PS3 were 'next gen' up until January 2013, because PS2s were discontinued then.

Making PS3s only 'This gen' for less than a year.

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favourite answer

    People tend to only call them "current-gen" when they have one. Right now it's still "next-gen" to them. Just give it a while and people will switch to calling the PS4 and Xbox One current-gen.

  • opurt
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    They usually end up being called "next gen" for a couple of years, as the previous gen dies out and more people get the new ones. The 360/PS3 did the same thing, especially for the first year or so when games were coming out for both the older and new consoles.

  • Mr X
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    Because they're still new and most people still have last gen consoles (ps3/360) so for most people, the ps4 and X1 are next gen.

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