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*Nikki* asked in PetsDogs · 7 years ago

what happens if you accidentally inbreed your dog??

for example.... if you go looking for a stud dog in your area and find your self a nice one... breed him with your dog, then later find out that hes her father. would the puppies be like deformed?

no i have not done this.... im just curious as my mum was saying they often do this in the wild

12 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favourite answer

    This should never happen because you will have done your research before you choose the stud dog!! What would 'happen' is all the faults each dog has will be doubled up in the puppies. And every dog has faults. Further, the UK KC at any rate, won't accept the registration of litters from this close a mating.

    In the wild, only the strongest and fittest get to mate, so if there are problems in the offspring, the problem will be self-limiting. Those weaker animals won't get to mate on.

    Add - INbreeding is the closest form of linebreeding, and to be avoided, much as in livestock breeding it's done, by experienced people. Linebreeding (not inbreeding) fixes type, and is done by many people in dogs - however, they also know when to outcross because when done for many generations, eventually size, longevity and vigour can be reduced.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    There is always a chance that they will be mentally or physically deformed. Mentally could be either a very stupid dog, a very aggressive dog, etc. Physically deformed explains itself plus health problems

    You ever see the cats that look like they have thumbs? Those cats are inbred, most of the time. But then you have ones that are perfectly normal. Yes this happens many times in the wild. But also in the wild, many of the young animals don't make it to adulthood.

    I would not inbreed you animal on purpose. You never know what could happen. And if a the pupps have serious problems with them, then you would feel horrible. It would be cruel to take a chance on that. I'm sure there are plenty of other dogs out there that are not related to your dog. Good luck!

  • dogs
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    Well any good breeder would know the bloodlines of who they were breeding to therefore it wouldn't happen, however if it did than yes, it's not as sever as it is in humans but the puppies are at higher risk of developing illness and will more likely have an off or bad temperament and they do have a higher risk of being born with a deformity. It doesn't mean they WILL but the rick is much increased as well their life expectancy goes down

    I had a kitten that was inbred once I found it on a farm where my dad kept a horse and it was walking funny, it's paw walk backward and it was the oddest cat anyone had ever seen. I late found out from a guy who lived on the farm that it was from an inbred litter and it was the only one that survived. I had it till it was 4 than it passed in its sleep

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    No, it does not happen in the wild. A male alpha wolf will not mate with his daughters. A female alpha wolf will not mate with her sons. If they stay in the pack neither will sire or have puppies. They have to leave the pack and join another to be able to breed or have puppies.

    If you found a dog that you want to breed your dog to, the best thing to do to look at a pedigree. In the pedigree you'd be able to see if there's any close relations. Since this is such a close relation, I would hope to god you be able to remember the people you bought the puppy from if its her father.

    Inbred animals have lots of difficulties. It could be developmental, physical disabilities, mental (retardation), psychological (agressiveness), weak immune systems and short life spans.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    Imbreeding does not actually cause birth defects. It is done quite commonly with purebreds, particuarlly well known in horses.

    What causes birth defects breeding is when two animals with poor genes breed, this just tends to bring the poor genes out even more in the offspring.

    My sisters a biologist, and does a lot of breeding studies right now for her PhD.

  • 7 years ago

    There is a chance that the deformity will be mental more than physical. Unfortunately it does also heighten the risk of disorders and diseases, physical conditions that cause illness . Please , :) , in the future , think of all the poor pups at the pound and rescues that need a home before making more unfortunate lives.

  • CDog
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    You could find this out by simply looking at your dog's papers and the stud's papers. Unregistered, unshown, untested dogs should not be bred. Inbreeding increases the chance of genetic problems.

  • JenVT
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Only an idiot would do that. Good breeders carefully examine pedigrees before choosing a stud. It's not rocket science- you only have to know how to read.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    it takes many many generations of inbreeding before it will have a tremendous effect on your pups. it does happen pretty often in the wild but keep in mind new dominant males are always climbing to the top and they are usually the ones that get all the action... so try to prevent it but if it does happen your not going to have lil mutant pups running around if worse comes to worse they will just be kinda stupid and hard to train...

  • 7 years ago

    Line breeding - breeding closely related animals - is done all the time with dogs, cats, horses, etc. If done carefully, there will not be problems. Breeding should ALWAYS be done carefully, not just on a whim.

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