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How Do I sneak My iPod Into School Trip?

Hey Everyone! I am going away with my year to charterhouse for 5 days and I really need to bring my iPod, I am not explaining why I need to take it, it will just take to long, but please dont say anything like 'Oh, you dont need your iPod' I'm just looking to find out how to bring it and where to hide it (things like that) so I dont want to hear messages like that.

My mom will probably help me with my packing because it will only be my second time going away from my parents for 5 days so this is a big ask but if you could, could you maybe say how to pack my iPod, without getting caught by my mom.

Just to say: I will be bringing a suitcase, a holdall a backpack and a bag. (I will not be bringing all of these but it will be definitely be a suitcase and one of the others.

Thank you for taking your time to read this, and thank you if you do answer this question. :D

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favourite answer

    If you feel you must bring it..don't pack it..stick it down the side of our pants by your hip between your pants and your underwear..

    Unless they frisk one will know it's there.

  • 7 years ago

    Waistband tuck, but make sure it doesn't slip down your pants :p

  • 7 years ago

    Put it in your pants, best way ever lol seriously, it works.

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