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? asked in HealthOther - Health · 3 years ago

What should I eat after throwing up?

Ok so all day on December 10th I have been sick getting up muiltple times to use the toilet. I was then having stomach pains, which I knew was from build up and knee that I was going to throw up but it was taking its time. So finally it happened about 5 times over a 2 hour period. I stopped throwing up around 8pm I was starting to get very hungry but I was worried that I would throw up again. So I didn’t eat but now my stomach is begging me to eat, so what kinds of things can I eat to keep my stomach at ease?

4 Answers

  • 3 years ago

    It can be very hard to hold down any food when you’re vomiting, feeling nauseous, queasy, etc. But there is the BRAT diet to help ease your body back into normal eating after having been sick. It is mainly composed of bland foods that won t irritate your stomach. BRAT actually stands for bananas, rice, apples, and toast.

    According to the BRAT diet, it is best to not eat for a few hours after throwing up to give your body a rest. If you can’t wait, try sucking on hard candies or popsicles. If you still feel sick, just eat some ice chips and take small sips of water. The following 24 hours, gradually add clear liquids if you have stopped throwing up. This includes water, flat soda, apple juice, weak tea, jello, and broth.

    The following day, you can try to start adding in some bland foods. This includes applesauce, rice, bananas, toast, and/or cooked cereals like cream of wheat or farina.

    On the third day, you can start to incorporate soft foods into your diet. This includes sherbet, fruits (no citrus), cooked vegetables, soft cooked eggs, and white meat (chicken or turkey).

    Throughout these days, it it recommended that you avoid dairy products, raw vegetables, citrus fruits, fatty/fried/spicy/greasy foods, extremely hot or cold beverages, alcohol, coffee, and caffeinated beverages.

    Good luck and hope you feel better!

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    burnt toast alway's make's me feel better

  • 3 years ago

    Peanut butter and banana sandwich. Not inly taste good is good but its the same comin up. Dont eat greasy **** or liquid ****.

  • 3 years ago

    with a stomach bug, the best way to kill it is to deprive it of food. I recommend 24 hours of fluids only.

    That would be a Dr's advice too! (Milk although technically a food should be ok too)

    If you can last no longer without food, just eat very light food. something like a couple of slices of bread and butter! but nothing more.

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