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Question for HP Fans and JKR herself: Why do people feel that Ginny wasn't Harry's soulmate? (Question(s) continue in the details)?

Question for HP Fans and JKR herself: Why do people feel that Ginny wasn't Harry's soulmate? Why do some people feel like Hermione is Harry's soulmate, besides the name.? Why do people feel like Cho Chang is Harry's soulmate?

I would like to know what you other fans think, because I'll tell you what I think.

I believe Harry and Ginny should've ended up together, because Ginny was possessed my riddle during the Chamber of Secrets. Harry was possessed by Voldemort in the Order of Phoenix. So there is more in common with them than they realize.

The other thing, is because don't you realize that siblings names rhyme. For example: take me and my little sister. My name is Casey and My little sister's name is Tiffany.

Real llife examples,

Casey, Tiffany=Rhyming=full blood Sibling.

My best friends siblings

James McDaniel(aka Jamie), Taylor=James, Taylor, Jamie, Taylor=Both rhyme=full blood sibling.

Clint=Caleb=Rhyme=Full blood sibling.

Fictional example:

Harry,Hermione=Rhymes=Full blood sibling, but hidden by Snape.

Harry, Ginny(Ginerva)=No rhyming=Not a blood sibling at all.

So Harry and Hermione are brother and sister, now unless you want them to end up like the Malfoys & all, well get ready for a coup.

The other thing is that the rescue of Ginny in the chamber enacted an old magic of a Prince-Princess rescue. meaning a betrothal bond was formed and if you break said betrothal bond, the parties involved will be punished with eternal infertility until they listen to..


the bond. And another thing.

James Potter(Caucasian/White, Black Hair, Hazel Eyes)

Lily J. Potter nee Evans(Caucasian/White, Red hair, emerald green eyes)

Harry Potter(White, Black Hair emerald green eyes)

Hermione Granger(White, Brown Hair, Brown eyes(made from glamour, the real eyes are hazel)

Ginny Weasley(White, Red hair, deep chocolate brown eyes)

Cho Chang=(Asian, Black hair, brown eyes)

Update 2:

Harry's grandparents

Fleamont Potter(White, Black hair, hazel eyes)

Euphemia Potter(White,Red hair, sky blue eyes)

Mr. Evans(White,Black hair, brown eyes)

Mrs. Evans(White,red hair, blue eyes)

Notice anything similar about the James and Charles and Mr. Evans and Mrs.Evans.

Mr. Fleamont, Mr. Evans, James all had black hair and they all married a lover with red hair. So shall we say it was destiny that Harry and Ginny ended up together because she had red hair.

Update 3:

Now if you still think Harry and Hermione being together despite the fact they happened to be long-lost siblings. Thanks to manipulative Snape and Dumbledore, and an obliviation as well too.

Sibling names rhyme.

Real life example:

My cousins

Mary, Keri=Rhyming=Full Blood siblings

Logan, Lucie=Rhyming=Full Blood siblings.

My family

My mom and her sister

Victoria(Vicki) and Teresa(Terri)(Yes they are both caucasian/white)=RHYMING=

Update 4:

My dad his two brothers

Dale, Dewayne,Derrick=Rhyming=full blood siblings.

Me and My sister

Casey, Tiffany=Rhyming.(My name is Casey and I'm a guy, just in case you didn't know that.)

My maternal grandmother and her siblings

Fredericka, Martha and Robert=Rhyming=Full blood siblings.

So you see sibling names rhyme. The Weasley family goes by nicknames well, most of them do.

Update 5:

Fictional Sibling

William, Charles,Percival, Fred, George, Ronald and Ginerva=Rhyming=Full blood siblings.

Harry, Hermione=Rhyming=Full blood siblings.

Harry and Ginny(Ginerva) don't rhyme.

Alright. Thank you.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Of the girls you named, Hermoine underwent the most character development in the series. Readers were better acquainted with her than they were with the others; they liked her as a principal character and came to understand her best. In that context, many people hoped to see a Harry-Hermoine pairing and were disappointed when Harry did not pursue a relationship with her. The other girls were marginal to the story and, therefore, readers were surprised the author chose to pair him with someone they did not "know" very well, rather than the character they did. Those who were happy with Rowling's choice of Ginny, or those who hoped to see him end with Cho Chang were either rooting for the underdog or, for whatever reason, those particular characters resonated with them more than Hermoine did.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Obviously you've never read the books, because Hermione and Harry ARE NOT siblings in no way shape or form, even though they have a close sibling type bond.

    Hermione was born into a family of muggles that's why Draco called her a mud blood (I think it was)

    Another thing is a lot of people (my friend included) love shipping them because they have a close friendship.

    People have all sorts of ships in the HP universe, many are canon and some aren't but that's what's so great about shipping fictional characters.

    I personally pair Hermione & Snape together and Harry & Luna together

    Source(s): Also wtf are you on about sibling names rhyming? Mine and my siblings names don't "rhyme" and neither do my mom (RIP) and her brothers names.
  • 3 years ago

    She barely had a part in the stories. I always felt they just added her in to pair him up with someone.

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