Yahoo Answers is shutting down on 4 May 2021 (Eastern Time) and the Yahoo Answers website is now in read-only mode. There will be no changes to other Yahoo properties or services, or your Yahoo account. You can find more information about the Yahoo Answers shutdown and how to download your data on this help page.

What would you think of these Yahoo Answers proposed features?

1. The option to block all anonymous questions from view.

2. The option to block all anonymous answers from view, in response to a question asked.

3. The option to block questions on a per-language basis (for example, filter out all posts in Chinese language).

3 Answers

  • .
    Lv 7
    3 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Well, the more options the better. However, I don't see those changes as increasing the popularity and usage of the site. This site makes money by members clicking on advertisements. So features that increase the membership numbers and increase advertisement viewing will be the top priority.

    Right now, almost half the new questions in the main feed are Chinese language commercial spam. So a computer algorithm that automatically detected & ghosted such content would probably be a wise move. In other words, it shouldn't be an "option." It should be implemented system-wide.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    I agree with all,

    They need to fully remove the anon feature and if you block someone their questions should not appear in your feed.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Why are people so upset with the whole anonymous thing? Just accept that the anonymous feature is here to stay and no other features are going to be added to the site.

    If you wanted to post a question about your anal warts, wouldn't you want to go anonymous? Yes, you would.

    You would cry if they removed that feature, just admit it.

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