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Why does reCaptcha lie to us about the number of individual items to look for in each image? Are they insulted by accurate language skills?

2 Answers

  • Bob L
    Lv 7
    2 years ago
    Favourite answer

    I've wondered about that too. I look for "buses" in each image presented, but rarely find more than one, and usually only a partial image of just one single bus. Same with carS, bicycleS, bridgeS, crosswalkS, motorcycleS, fire hydrantS, etc., etc.

  • Ron75
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    You need to click on every image that contains even a small part of whatever they say to look for. I quit using Captcha on our web site a couple of years ago and went to questions if anyone wants to join.


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