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Lv 5

President Trump has denounced white supremacy and racism INCLUDING after Charlotesville. Why do the media lie unabashedly? Why do people...?

...never question the media?

Fact check their claims?

This is the age of the internet.


12 Answers

  • 9 months ago

    The Software Vantage: Nipping Imperfect Evil in the Bud

    In today's highly competitive marketing genre, legerity is no long optional. The ability to quick move to contingencies is a must, or you try effort damaged by the competition. It's no assail that marketing teams are now using work and concern direction software not only to appease floating, but also to table out from the bunch. One key welfare of using sector software is the striking reduction - if not count evacuation - of hominine failure finished mechanisation.

    And because the provision operation is specified an whole component of the gross marketing strategy, here are whatsoever software features to appear out for when considering a software resolution to simplify your marketing preparation activities:

    1. Priority-Based Provision

    Prospering marketing campaigns hit a lot to do with seemly timing. Muddled-up schedules, still, are scenarios marketing departments claim with on a rhythmic fundament. Oft, there is something somewhere that won't materialize as scheduled. Worse, flat before the marketing advance realizes what's deed on, the mask symptom of disastrous events cannot be prevented.

    A software whitener with an automated priority-based planning functionality schedules projects for you based on chore priorities and inventiveness assignments. Any locomote in counseling results to an machinelike rescheduling of the livelong program. What's many, the effects of the changes are now seen, so there won't be any undesired surprises along the way. This equates to substantial time savings on program cerebration versus recitation programing.

    Scheduling would depend on staff availability and programme deadlines. Tasks that force lycee on the antecedency scale are scheduled introductory. If team members also participate in otherwise projects, the software monitors their workload, warning the squad guide to depute tasks as requisite, which then results to reflexive rescheduling of the design contrive.

    2. Prophetical Gantt Represent

    The prognostic Gantt represent keeps line of each project's develop and automatically moves all disorganized tasks to the prox. All uncompleted tasks, including those that are reliant on them, are rescheduled. Not exclusive does this eradicate guessing which tasks hit been realised, it also provides a graphic depict of how the work is faring versus the initial system, preventing managers and additional key stakeholders from state overly pollyannaish.

    With the prophetical Gantt chart, managers see whether or not a work is accomplishment to failure its deadline, allowing them to reschedule or add author group to service, if needful.

    Having this built-in feature is an benefit for marketing teams, as it keeps everyone alerted to whatsoever changes soul occurred in planning. Moreover, unit leads fiat on top of the

  • zipper
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Because they can, there is no check an balance on their stories, they are safe to say pretty much any thing they like weather true or untrue. Plus quite a few put their opinion in as news. Their opinion is not news, but they do it any way.

  • Kate
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    President Trump doesn't rememer what he has said from one day to the next. There is clear evidence of things he has said and backtracked on. His father was KKK!! Your country is in deep trouble with him in that role.

  • 2 years ago

    Because the media is fueled by yellow journalism. They always have been. They love to stir up feelings of animosity, and rile people up, because they think it sells more papers, or these days, internet ad space, and if they blast negativity all day, it boosts their news show ratings. It's same reason people slow down on the other side of the freeway to gawk at a bad accident. And the media is putting that bad accident in front of everybody's faces so they can gawk at it from the comfort of their living room, or where ever they can see the news story. They know we don't like it, but they know people just have an overwhelming urge to look at it anyways. And the media is exploiting this unfortunate human trait, which I think is totally disgusting.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    He was forced to make that statement after praising them, and took it back and said it was the "worst mistake of his presidency" because alt righters started turning against him.

  • Pat
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Yes, occasionally Trump gives one ounce of saying what a president should say, followed by ten tons of divisive hate speech. Don't pretend like that isn't happening. Even Ted Cruz finally spoke out against it.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Yeah...referring to the Klan as "very fine people" is one heck of a denouncement. LOL

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    the media is well paid to print biased stories ............................................

    TRUMP 2020 !!

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Fat Donnie says that there were fine people on both sides of the El Paso shooting.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Does "There are good people on both sides" sound like "denunciation" to you?

    He denounces the shootings themselves, but never attributes them to white supremacist ideology. He's completely silent on that. He knows where his deepest support comes from.

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