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? asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 year ago

Why do climate change protesters,only protest in the summer, and not winter.?

8 Answers

  • 1 year ago

    First it was Global warming and then they realized we are closer to an Ice age so they changed it to climate change. Mt Vesuvius was a very large CO2 fart from the center of the earth - Giant sequoias show it in their growth rings - the fossil record at sedimentary quarries shows increases in microscopic fossils of CO2 consuming plankton for several decades following Vesuvius. Look for 79A.D. on Ice core sample charts - liars!

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Because they are weak.

  • 1 year ago

    i am sorry i cant change the 89 percent of country being infected the asio is pasting me so i cant write to save our let populations wish the scientist to see dna 

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Lots of protests going on here in canada right now.


  • 1 year ago

    Well, let us see. The last time Diarrhea protested in the Winter, someone told to lick the iron railing to see what the temperature was. It took two fire departments to thaw him out. His mother sued the railing company.

    The last time Elizabeth protested in the Winter her name was Elsworth. It was so cold that he froze certain parts off his body and now he is Elizabeth. 

    The last time Anonymous protested in the Winter no one knew who he was. 

    Puppets don't work so well in the wintertime. They need antifreeze and when they leak, the EPA  comes by and cremates them.

    And most of the environmentalist's mommies won't let them play in the snow. 

  • JimZ
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    It is easier to virtue signal when the weather is warmer.  

  • zeno
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    They are misinformed ( no nothing to help

    The environment ) indoctrinated delusional

    Democrat slaves. They are told we are going

    To protest march for. ____________ tomorrow

    And they jump into it without questioning or

    Fact checking anything. I casually picked up

    Acres of trash along a church's lot by the road

    The last two days and it was lightly raining

    Today. But I did it anyway to help the environment and clean up this place I live. Now go

    Ask a climate changer when was the last time

    You did that? Pick up trash in the rain and not

    Get paid a cent for it. I got nothing but a nicer

    Looking grassy area to look at when I drive

    By occasionally. The climate change protest

    Marches accomplishing nothing. It's a waste

    Of time and a waste of your life. If you transformed climate changers to trash collectors

    And tree planters that would help the environment. Ok?

  • Murzy
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    Too cold to be picketing.

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