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Anonymous asked in TravelMexicoOther - Mexico · 1 year ago

Do you need a passport to travel to Mexico from US?

As of 2020, if I enter and leave Mexico Tijuana from the US will the border require me to show passport? Can I show my birth certificate and ID as an alternative? I was told they can not hold us since we are citizens of the us. 

5 Answers

  • 1 year ago

    Get a passport card.

  • 1 year ago

    If traveling by land or sea transport you can use a passport card or an enhanced driving license.  Only a few states issue enhanced DLs.

    If you fly to Mexico you need a regular passport booklet.

    Being able to enter Mexico and return to the USA using your ID and birth certificate ended in 2009. 

  • 1 year ago

    Americans traveling to Mexico must present a valid US citizen. Passport Anyone traveling by sea can present a passport card and a valid driver's license in order to return to the United States. However, travelers must verify with the chosen destination whether these documents are accepted.

  • 1 year ago

    Yes, but you can use a passport card at a land border when it's open again and travel is allowed.

  • Bort
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    A passport is required any time you cross a country border whether you're going in or coming out.

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