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Why do so many people ask the same question over and over? What does that say about them? About society?


By asking the same question over and over, it's not even really a question.  The motive seems to be different than an actual question.  It's something different than a question.  What is going on?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago
    Favourite answer

    I see it a lot, too. What it says to me is that a great many people whose lives are ruled by mental health issues are not receiving treatment or even non-professional help like activities that engage them. They appear not to work or have anything that fills their days except asking the same question(s).

    That's sad, but it doesn't make what they do here any less grating.

  • R.j.
    Lv 5
    11 months ago

    They want to meet someone,i guess

  • ?
    Lv 7
    12 months ago

    Lack of imagination? Maybe they just like to see their question in print on a computer monitor.

  • Marduk
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    There was someone on here years ago when Y!A was on the decline that had dozens of questions about SILVER MAPLES!!! Now we have the one saying that mental health is heredity and he/she isn't nuts. I've seen that a few dozen times too. Why? Because THEY CAN!! The internet is One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest in reality.

  • 1 year ago

    1)  They are intent of trying to annoy their fellow subscribers.

    2)  They  don't have the intelligence to know that they only need to ask a question once and if subscribers feel confident to answer it they will

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