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Why is Walmart allowed to sell your pickup order to someone else. ?

I ordered an item for pickup and when I came to get it in the earliest time frame that was available, they said they were out of stock. If I had known that it could be sold to other people coming in to the store I would have just gone myself on the day it became available. It was a Nintendo Switch, so I’m pretty upset because they are sold out everywhere. Why are they allowed to sell something if it’s already been ordered and paid for online?

17 Answers

  • 10 months ago

    Its a business policy. Another awesome policy that the favor of customer is offering free gift. We can enjoy this type of gift.  

    Attachment image
  • L
    Lv 5
    10 months ago

    Because you did NOT go there, right away, to pick it up.

  • 11 months ago

    Most businesses prioritize those who pay first smh

  • 11 months ago

    well in australia we have a great bunning is  a super store inernational products .From chinese made to erwin made wood tools and others bits in the tool section

  • 11 months ago

    It appears that you're going to have to take that issue up with Wal-Mart. Contact their corporate customer service center.

  • Anonymous
    11 months ago

    Not my experience.  When I showed up, I show them the claim number, go they go the item and I paid and left.  if you didn't show up when requested to do by, then they can consider that you aren't going to buy it and sell it to someone else.

  • 11 months ago

    you have a specified time frame to pick up an order you paid for, they can not sell it to anyone else during this time frame, if you don't pick it up within that time frame they can sell it and have every right to, but they have to refund your money

  • ?
    Lv 7
    11 months ago

    The inventory shown on hand lags real time because somebody can take the last one off the shelf and have it in their cart when you placed your order for the "last one". Then the picker goes to look for it and guess what, it is no longer available. The person with it in their cart wins, you loose.

  • Anonymous
    11 months ago

    It's not a fool proof system especially when you have alot of fools working there. It comes in at 4pm with a bag of dogfood on top of it and spilled motor oil under it. It gets locked up. Then hopefully someone overnight pulls out the one you ordered and bring it to the layaway dept and marks it correctly and puts everything in the computer right too. The biggest issue in logistics is the "hopefully someone does it right" part.

    IDK if there are any laws or even policies to protect you. Likely not. Fact is they are going out of their way to try to build consumer confidence. There's no laws allowing or disallowing a moderately casual "yeah yeah yeah, I got this for you bro."

  • ?
    Lv 5
    11 months ago

    First Come First Served rule applies.  Take it up with Walmart corporate if it bothers you so much.  

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