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Musical puzzle: why don't violin or cello players sing along while playing?

People play other string instruments like Guitar or ukulele and sing along. Some can also sing while playing piano. Why not violin?

Bonus: Why don't people sing along while playing drums?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    11 months ago
    Favourite answer

    People rarely “sing along” whilst playing an instrument. If they are performing then they are either singers and have a microphone or they keep quiet!

    There are any number of violinists and drummers who sing whilst playing instruments. The late Dave Swarbrick, Chris Leslie, Peter Knight, Barry Dransfield, Seth Lakeman and many others sing whilst playing the fiddle. Don Henley, Levon Helm and Phil Collins all sang whilst playing drums.

  • 11 months ago

    You've never been to one of those Italian restaurants with the wandering violinist? They sing. And drummers can sing along but both performances suffer. See Ringo Starr, Phil Collins and Dave Grohl. 

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