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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicMagazines · 11 months ago

Guys who were teens before internet: Where did you get porn dvds/magazines?

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    pictures of a girl in a bathing suit was porn to most teens. 

  • Anonymous
    8 months ago

    I remember in the early 80's I became a regular at the local supermarket bathroom because the men's had a few playboy and penthouse magazine's in there. It wasn't really a public washroom, they didn't have one, but would let you use the staff one if you said you really needed it. After a couple times I just started going in there without asking, I'd just walk in the back and go in and see the mags. I was like 8-9 years old. A few years later we got a satellite dish and there was tons of porn channels on there. Also my Dad had a drawer full of playboys. Getting a porn movie was usually very very difficult for kids back then however, I was one of the lucky kids who's parents had a satellite dish.

  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    There were shops who were selling those types of magazines & cds.

  • Anonymous
    10 months ago

    Playboy and Penthouse magazine.

  • Anonymous
    10 months ago

    There were men's magazines, e.g. "Playboy" began in 1953. "Cavalier", "Saga". etc. also had nude photos of girls.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    11 months ago

    pictures of a girl in a bathing suit was porn to most teens. 

  • Anonymous
    11 months ago

    Magazines and late-night cable tv some movie channels aired soft porn. busty cops, witches of breast wick and so on. 

  • Anonymous
    11 months ago

    VHS tapes....  

  • 11 months ago

    I was a teen well before DVDs.  A lot of the time we didn't have porn, we had to rely on a flash of tit on the tv or the panty section of the Target catalogue.  If you were lucky your friend might have been able to "borrow" one of his dad's videos.  You couldn't do anything while you were watching it as your mates were right next to you, but when you got home....

  • 11 months ago

    In the early 90's me and my friends used to gather around in a tent to look at the sears swimsuit section. Not even kidding.

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