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Just bought a ge ultra quiet medium size room air conditioner and it sounds like it's on but no air is coming out?

I can press all the different settings buttons and it adjusts itself, I can hear it changing settings, but no air comes out no matter what button I press. It seems like maybe the air is going outside the but there's no button to switch that. Does anyone know what to do about this?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 months ago
    Favourite answer

    If you had Bob install it and it didn't work, he might've installed it in backwards. Try to ask someone with the palindrome of his name to help: boB

  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    Read the manual again and again.  Set the fan speed on High.  Remove the batteries from the remote, wait 30 minutes, reinstall batteries and turn AC on  (just turn it ON, do not push any other buttons).  No luck, push reset button on remote.  Still no luck,  call for a warranty service.

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