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Why did the customer reported me in Target?

while ago I talked to a woman in Target like I do to everybody I said hi, how you doing? She said I am good and she said how are you? Then after she said how are u? I told her it is nice outside she said yes then I told her r u ready for thanksgiving she kind of got mad at me and reported me to the security and try to get me trouble I explained to her (the security)  about the customer why I came to the her the customer I wanted to talk to her for a while I like talking to women like I do to everyone I can go to Target any time why did she reported me to security?

21 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 months ago

    You're a creepy stalker.  

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    maybe you got into her airspace and made her feel uncomfortable ? only you were there and you spoke to her not anyone else.  you should know why she called security on you.

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    I have found that it is best to just keep to yourself. People are not as friendly

    as they used to be because I would always speak when I passed someone

    and most of the time they would just ignore me so I stopped.  It is a different

    world now.

  • 5 months ago

    Answer:   She was not comfortable with a junkie coming over and pretending you two are old mates. 

    Additional thoughts:   I love how some people think its their god given right to just walk up to a total stranger and expect a conversation.   

    I have no idea what was in her mind or your mind or why she made the choices she made,  but I have seen first hand how some criminals will strike up a conversation with a person while working out if they have anything worth taking.  

    Maybe this person just did not like the idea of you walking up to her and pretending your two are long lost friends.

    How about you,  what if someone walked up to your sister and decided she is their mate. 

    Either way its all history now, why are you obsessing over it.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    5 months ago

    Stop masturbating when you're talking to them.

  • 5 months ago

    I reported you to an admin for this post

  • 5 months ago

    maybe it was the talking that was the problem. you know how it is now. talking is now a possible prelude to a violent sex crime. people are scared, and with good cause. don't hold it against her. she was scared too. just learn from what happened. if you see the signs you saw, next time back off before it becomes an issue. the experience has given you knowledge about what to do next time. 

  • garry
    Lv 6
    5 months ago

    maybe because you asked the woman for sex , or was stealing , some people look like that .should talk to women that way , some take offence , others smile ..

  • 5 months ago

    Maybe she perceived that you were trying to put the moves on her and were crossing the line. Were you?

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    Just because you "like talking to women" doesn't mean they want to talk to you. 

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