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What do you think about the poem "Redemption?"?


Apples fall to gravity,

And hit humanity. Which

Came first and fell last?

Seek the reddest apple,

For its labor of beauty.

The One prized Above!

Who can reach the sun,

During the darkest night?

In a time of sticks and stones,

Krishna reveals warnings,

The signs in Kali Yuga.

If your ears hear salvation,

The Golden Age comes

And lights the wretched

State of naked beings. 

Bright fire of eternity!  

From these flames to ashes,

Another apple tree grows,

For the hungry thinker.

Apples fall to gravity.

The Golden Age comes

And lights the wretched

State of naked beings.

Bright fire of eternity!

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    chosen people = the ones that have the correct religion. orthodoxy is the only true faith with one cup and one spoon and no one gets sick. roman catholics tried one cup one spoon ritual and got sick with bubonic plague; if heresy enters orthodox monastery, then its inhabitants will get sick also. covid = another heresy; that's why disposable cups were introduced in heretical gatherings. churches who had disposable cups, masks, disposable spoons, dipped spoon into alcohol, or closed for covid = no grace of the Holy Spirit in them = they woik for satin. death to de antichrist! oh...snap... here he iz flyin' thru ma neck of de woodz; hide ur kidz, hide ur wife; antichrist is flyin' thru town; take ur glocks out and shoot dat son of a bytch down; he's an s-o-b 'cuz his mother is a 12th generation prostitute to jews and hindus; ew...he's gay 'cuz she a lesbian who pretends to be a virgin; well...

    Source(s): project blue beam will show five figures (christian god, buddhist god, hindu god, muslim god, and jewish god) merging in2 1 (de antichrist); so, hide now (within a 7-15 people group; 10-12 according to saint seraphim of sarov; 10-15 according to saint gabriel urgebadze)... no documents as they r from satin (burn 'em); no electronics so that u won't be tracked (even old broken unplugged 1970 tv set will show de antichristo using tesla's ether); forgive me 4 dis spiel.
  • 5 months ago

    I don't like the title, but I do like the imagery, meaning, rhyme scheme, and plot consistency. 8.5/10

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    Even to this of thoughts; God will put an end to the just live by faith. For in the light darkness has its root.

    I will rejoice over Jerusalem and take delight in my people; the sound of weeping and of crying will be heard in it no more. Isaiah 65:19

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 months ago

    A. I see nothing redemptive

    B. it has the pattern of rap lyrics, not so much poetry, Rhymming is secondary in poetry to the language oand the meaning...your rap is a lot of words say little more "than it sucks to be you pal"

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