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What word is in this Verizon TV commercial?

There's an ad on Pluto TV from Verizon, touting their 5G.  At one point, one of the customer voices says something like "100% of _____ with the Mandalorian."  What is the missing word?  It sounds like "sus," but that doesn't fit the context.


THANK YOU so much, Alan!  I tried turning subtitles on, but here were none during the commercial.

1 Answer

  • Alan
    Lv 7
    4 months ago
    Favourite answer

    100% "obsessed" with Mandalorian

    She is obsessed with the show.  

    Here's is the ad you are talking about 

    if someone else wants to listen and give there opinion.    

    However, I clipped out the 10 second period where she says 

    this  and looped over and over.   

    Now, it's clear she is 100% obsessed.

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