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Anonymous asked in Food & DrinkEntertaining · 4 months ago

Can I bring the entertainment to a potluck instead of food?

I suck at cooking so food is not going to work. I do a pretty good macculley culkin impression (home alone and Richie Rich) and I can juggle scarves or balls. Is this enough to be my contribution?

8 Answers

  • Favourite answer

    That and a bunch of bananas should do.

  • 2 weeks ago

    Entertainment instead of food?  Well, if you personally know Eric Clapton, Pharrell Williams, Faith Hill or Dave Chappelle and could talk them into performing at the pot luck, then by all means.

    If you mean actually BEING the entertainment?  Bring food.  Even if you have to buy something.  If you suck as badly as you claim, then anybody whose had your food will understand.

    You could try making hotcakes.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    You can supply the cutlery and plates.  Talk to whoever is organizing it.

  • 3 months ago

    No, bring food even if you didn't make it yourself.

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    You need to ask the person holding the potluck.

  • denise
    Lv 7
    4 months ago

    No, buy something form the store / bakery, put it on a nice container with a doily / napkin [for fancy] and bluff it out. 

  • Anton
    Lv 6
    4 months ago

    You can supply the cutlery and plates.  Talk to whoever is organizing it.

  • !
    Lv 7
    4 months ago

    Ask the person doing the organising

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