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Anonymous asked in SportsOther - Sports · 3 months ago

In soccer can you do handstand and carry ball with feet?

Wondering if a very tall player can walk on their hands and carry ball with their feet? Other shorter players wouldn't have any way to get the ball. Would this violate any rules? 

Similarly, could a hockey team get someone who weighs 600lbs to play goalie and just lay in front of the net?SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY PLEASE

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    yes for the soccer, no rule against it

  • The hockey goalie question has been answered thousands of times- it would not be effective.  So for the 800th time I'll do the math:

    -A standard goal frame is 4 feet by 6 feet.  A 600 pound person either standing OR laying on the ground would take up less than half of that space without the mobility to cover the remaining parts.  Plus, there are max sizes on goalkeeping equipment that would eliminate any size advantage.

  • Jesus
    Lv 5
    3 months ago

    There's no rules that I know of that says you can't do it and I'll bet it would draw quite a standing ovation if somebody did a handstand and carried and tossed the ball with their feet!

  • 3 months ago

    Yes ... but to what end ? 

    He couldn’t pass or score ......

  • 3 months ago

    All the other team would have to do is give him a gentle bump to knock him over, or stand in front of him. People are not very nimble on their hands. 

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