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Anonymous asked in HealthGeneral Health CareInjuries · 2 months ago

Might I have a torn ligament?

On December 25th last year (2020) I got out of my car and walked on the grass there was a hidden dip and my ankle gave way and I fell completely over. My ankle made a snapping noise and instantly started to swell. Could still weight bear. Within two days back to normal walking on it with no pain. Nearly 7 weeks later now I am still walking on it with no pain other than the odd occasion but when I rotate my ankle such as moving it side to side it feels tight and hurts and this has not improved since I fell. There is still swelling on my ankle too.

I am trying to work out if it will heal with rest and time or if I should see about having it looked at. If anyone could advise that would be great. 

I have attached pictures of my ankle the day I fell and my ankle 7 weeks later. 

Attachment image

5 Answers

  • 2 months ago

    You may be surprised to find out that you have a fracture there. I hope it has healed in a favorable position.

    I used to work in Orthopedics, treating such injuries. The ankle that you would think must be broken was normal and the one you doubted was a fracture.....was broken.

    Why not get it examined and find out for sure.

    Source(s): Orthopedic residency trained PA.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Yes, you might. As Diane A noted, the only way to know if you've completely torn your ligament is to get an MRI by seeing an orthopedic surgeon.  

    Ligaments can stretch, partially tear, or completely tear. If the tear completely, surgical repair (Brostrom procedure) is usually required.  If the tear is partial, a combination of physical therapy and wearing a brace can improve healing. 

    Just because you continue to have swelling doesn't mean you did tear it -- but you are at the tail of of the time period when a sprain or strain would normally have healed.  

  • 2 months ago

    So a sprain is a stretched or torn tendon and a strain is a stretched or torn ligament. Right where you are swelling is the talo-fibular ligament and the most common one injured. How bad the damage is can only be ascertained by exam and possibly MRI.  Tears are graded, grade 3 being bad. You should be followed by an orthopedist.

    Source(s): ER PA
  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    no you haven't......

  • James
    Lv 5
    2 months ago

    I have done that many times it always heals eventually

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