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KEVIN S asked in SportsAuto RacingNASCAR · 2 months ago

Who doesn't nascar start the season somewhere else?

It rains every year to start the Daytona 500. Why don't they just race somewhere else like Lorton Va off the Ft. Belvoir exit?

5 Answers

  • 2 months ago
    Favourite answer

    Too cold, maybe Sears Point in California would be better, it is one tough road course.

  • They need a track in a warm climate.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Whoever created Noahide laws and signed them should be executed for blasphemy. Trump signed Noahide laws to tax Christians on icons. Shame you, Donnie! Anathema!!! Anathema!!! Anathema!!!

    Orthodoxy = the only true faith; Roman Catholics tried one cup - one spoon ritual and got sick with Bubonic plague; if heresy enters Orthodox monastery then monks/nuns will get sick with flu/tuberculosis (for instance); Orthodox churches who closed for COVID or had disposable cups/spoons or dipped spoon into alcohol are no longer brides of Christ (now they serve Satan and honor Satan's new COVID religion). Priests who were working for KGB (that is spying on people and betraying their confession) = Sergian heresy. Now, CIA and FSB (new name for KGB) don't need to have priests constantly reporting because of new technology (bugs) that allows them to listen in (and if cameras are present... to look into what people are doing)...Your phones spy on you; don't bring them to church; forgive me.

    Saint Spyridon Bishop of Trimythous killed 900 Roman Catholics

    Source(s): SSN is written as a barcode/QRcode; then it's put into a chip; chip is put into vaccine; chipped people are influenced (by super computers) to receive grey plastic card World Passport with no name on it (but when they stretch their hands to get it, gov't clerk presses secret button to administer the unforgivable green 666 tattoo by isotope rays). If you reject mark of the beast then your direct ancestors go to heaven (according to saint Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov from Ural); forgive me.
  • are you kidding rain's wicked for motorsports, any mororsports, it really tests the drivers skill and mettle, and makes for more excitement,   let me tell you in F1,  everybody is pumped when we know it's a wet race or that rain will fall at some point...   which tyres when to change...or not change  changing wing adjustments and other car balances ie push/pull,   water puddles forming on track lap to lap making the experience a new adventure every lap,  just brilliant..

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    maybe they dont want to

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