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Lose asked in Cars & TransportationCar Audio · 2 months ago

Does old truck still have cassette tape players in truck?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    My old truck did.  My even older truck had an AM/FM radio.  My oldest truck had just the sound of the wind and the road.

  • F
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    My car ( not a truck) is from 2004, and has a cassette player ( with a cd and radio).

    I have not seen a newer car than that with a cassette.

  • 2 months ago

    Depends on what the previous owners did to it. Old tape player will not likely work anyway.

  • 2 months ago

    My old 75 pick up doesn't, it doesn't even have a radio (never did).

    But my 93 pick up, who knows? The stock unit was gone and I put in a unit that does MP3 (as well as hands free).

    So an old pick up might have a cassette deck in it. It might also have an eight track or just a AM radio. It might not have a radio at all or it might have a very advanced sound system because they are easy to replace.

    I guess I forgot to mention AM-FM radio's and stereo or mono! It might be transistorized, be a tube radio or even integrated circuitry.

    If there is a cassette deck or eight track, it might not work right.

    At one time there was even a record player marketed that was supposed to work that was installed in a few cars. Never saw one installed, but have seen ads for them. Also there was a reel to reel type unit that was used as an aftermarket unit.

  • 2 months ago

    My old truck did.  My even older truck had an AM/FM radio.  My oldest truck had just the sound of the wind and the road.

  • 2 months ago

    My '96 Toyota still does...

    Do cassettes still get made?

    Rarely as an heirloom some groups will release special edition cassette of their album... just like some (a little more often) release a vinyl. 

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