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What kind of physics do I need to study astronomy at home?

I want to study astronomy at home. They say I need knowledge in physics to study astronomy at home. I was in a library, and  I found two large books in physics physics 1 and physics 2. What kind of physics do I need to be able to study astronomy at home. Can you suggest me a book in physics that I have to revise and I can then study astronomy. Do I need physics to understand the concepts in astronomy? I already know that I need calculus, linear algebra, diff equations...

2 Answers

  • 2 months ago

    You need to understand iconic sections if you wan to understand orbits. Drawing an ellipse with 2 tacks, some string around a pencil, and changing how far apart  the tacks, representing the foci, is?a very good exercise. 

    Conic sections are algebra 2, high school math. You also need a?basic understanding of trigonometry, what a unit circle is and how sine, cosine and tangents are ratios. Pythagorean theorem. For basic physics and calculus you need to understand 2 basic equations: y = x + v + a +c where x and y are location s and b = velocity, a = acceleration and c = a constant. Velocity and acceleration have directions. Velocity is the first derivative and acceleration, a chance in the speed or magnitude of victory is the second derivative. The second equation is F = ma, force equals mass times a celebration. 

  • 2 months ago

    I recommend the whole of physics 1 and 2. And even more, like atomic physics and chemistry. Practically all the stuff you get in 4-year college science courses.

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