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I just landed on Earth.  Why are most married couples in television ads interracial but most couples on the street are not?


busterwasmycat:  Don't be disingenuous.  You know what I mean.  

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago
    Favourite answer

    Because ads are "woke".  Being woke is the most important thing in life. According to many idiots.

  • 4 weeks ago

    that is because of your intellectual feeling : )

  • 1 month ago

    beacuse a american guy looks handsome in real life but black mens are perfect in acting and reality is different

  • 2 months ago

    I've lived here for 80 years and I"m wondering the same thing. I think it must be something to do with the media pushing us towards becoming one race.

  • 2 months ago

    Your planet is so BORING that you watch EARTH TV?  Specifically (wait while I throw up) AMERICAN TV?

    Anyway, you just landed on Earth and you open you mouth to ask the question and your body is flooded with Earth Microbes and you immediately DIE from the COMMON COLD. 


  • 2 months ago

    Because you landed in Denmark......

    In reality, while you were circling the globe learning the human languages and watching human TV (apparently you were only watching TV broadcasts from the USA and not China, Africa, Brazil or that another sci fi story ENTIRELY)  while you were doing that...the USA, RUSSIA and CHINA launched their total stock of nukes at you and vaporized your ship.  How you managed to survive is completely....

    A result of your special ALIEN technology.  And you crashed on the border of China and Russia and they WANT your technology.  And they want to dissect you.

    You try to ask them that thing about the interracial couples on TV....but they have already stared a live dissection on you and they are monitoring your brain waves to see if you feel pain before you die.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Because the media is all about being woke and pushing agendas and is therefore retarded. We are not meant to mix races, but that's what the media wants. Constant clashing and strife between ethnic backgrounds creates class wars, fuels divorces, stimulates the economy, etc.

  • 2 months ago

    Pretty sure that outsiders would not recognize this thing you call race.

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