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Anonymous asked in Arts & HumanitiesGenealogy · 2 months ago

Can ethnicity results determine parent/child relationship?

Hi everyone.

I recently came across a man who I believe could potentially be my father. I want to state that I know nothing about this mans ancestry, just where in Europe he was born and raised. I recently took an ancestry test to see whether any clues in my ethnicity could help determine whether this man could be my father. But it does not seem to match where he was born and raised. However, I do have 300 relative matches from that region. Can ethnic results alone determine a relationship between parent and child? Thank you!

7 Answers

  • Rico
    Lv 6
    2 months ago

    No, a genetic relationship can only be established using the sex chromosomes to identify a father, or sex and mitochondrial DNA to identify a mother

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Ancestry DNA most definitely matched up some folks who submitted their saliva. It undoubtedly helped siblings find each other, even when they weren't aware that one existed. As far as ethnicity goes, the Ancestry DNA let it be known that they were of Scottish descent and not Indian. He should do a DNA paternity test to find out if the man is his father. That is an easy route. 

    Source(s): Ancestry DNA connected a friend and their never before met half sibling. The friend's cousin had submitted DNA. The half sibling's daughter had submitted DNA. There was background info that a half sister existed but no idea that Ancestry DNA was the route to find said half sibling. All other avenue's were exhausted. The friend's cousin also discovered an unknown half sibling, subsequently.
  • 2 months ago

    The ethnic results means nothing.  The black people who live in America may have no DNA relationship to the white people who live in America.

  • 2 months ago

    No, ethnic results can rule out someone being your dad (if you're sure about his ethnicity), but they're not enough to prove that he is your dad. You need to compare your DNA directly to his to know that.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    2 months ago

    DNA-tests don't find your ethnicity, nor do they really find your ancestors.

    They find your (distant)  cousins, insofar as they happen to be in the company's database.  Some companies will allow you to contact relatives they find, if those relatives give permission.

    DNA-tests ("paternity-tests") are very good at determining whether two people are parent-and-child to eachother. Non-related people sharing 23 chromosomes doesn't happen

  • Maxi
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Ancestry DNA tests are sold to entertian nothing more............ you need to do a paternity test if you wish to find out if this man is your father

  • 2 months ago

    Not really.  Ethnicity "results" are really just guesses and are often wrong.  If you want to use DNA testing to find out, have his DNA tested also and see how closely your DNA (not the ethnicity results) matches his.

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