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Anonymous asked in SportsHorse Racing · 2 months ago

what are best farms in usa?

thx tc

like where its like third world country?

thx tc

2 Answers

  • 2 months ago

    Good farms in the USA are nothing like third world countries.

    Good farms are well maintained, well fertilized, generally use modern machinery, and so on. 

    The people on them are modern, educated people with access to the internet and schools and other jobs if they want them.

    Even Amish farms, with no electricity and no vehicles, use gas powered tools and generators as necessary.   

    I suppose in some of the more conservative Amish areas, they eschew those as well, so perhaps the Amish communities in Ohio and Pennsylvania could be considered "third world" in some sense of the word.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Farms for what? Crops, animals, trees, flowers, sod, What??

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