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So, how much longer is the NHL going to tolerate Tom Wilson's headhunting?

7 Answers

  • Oh, for crying out loud. The league penalized the result, not the hit. And two days after Marchand griped about that hit, he cross-checked an opponent in the head. And plenty of players make predatory plays without a word from DOPS.

    Wilson doesn't headhunt. You're thinking of Ryan Reaves.

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    Since the NHL hasn't noticed that more than 20 percent of his penalties have been majors (72) out of

    333 penalties (regular-season only) it seems that the NHL is as blind as most refs in the league. So, probably until someone is injured to the point of no return they will tolerate him.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 month ago

    He'd have been long gone if he wasn't a productive player. He almost has a point a game this yr only 2 below AO.

  • 2 months ago

    He only got a seven game suspension this time because it had been more than 18 months since his last (20 game) suspension. It it's that long until the next one, the NFL will continue to tolerate him.

  • He was suspended for 7 games for something that all four on-ice officials missed.  Of course, if it were a Bruin with Wilson's record that did that then they'd be getting a fine because Parros and Patrick Burke don't suspend Bruin players (and haven't since they took over).  Guessing Carlo magically heals up like some Brazilian soccer player who got the magic sponge treatment.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    As long as they tolerate that white trash Marchand.

  • 2 months ago

    For as long as they are making money from the attention he generates.  It's disgusting, he has no respect for his fellow athletes, he's a repeat offender, and he deserves to be kicked out of the game.  The thing is that the NHL sells violence and that's their main product.  So as long as he doesn't kill anyone, he'll get another slap on the wrist and it will be a return to the same-old same-old.

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