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My school has announced we are doing in person testing. What can I do?

I'm in an online-only school and COVID is still bad here in America. Five days straight of 3-4 hours of in person testing with possible COVID exposure doesn't seem safe. What can I do? 


I am immunocompromised. I've not left the house in over a year with the exception of doctors appointments. It is not safe for me to test, but they do not care. 

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    You have posted that your mental health issues have been diagnosed.  Speak to your social worker, therapist, school advisor and ask this question.

  • 2 months ago

    Wear a mask, wash your hands, take the test, go home. 

  • drip
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    College? High school? 

    Ask them what procedures they are doing for the student safety.  

    Let them know you still feel uncomfortable going into school at this time.

    In HS, have your parents call the school.

    Reading your update. Then get you doctor involved. See if they will fax a note to the school that they do not want you to go in due  to medical reasons.

  • 2 months ago

    Wear a mask, wash your hands and stay away from people. You'll be fine. Cases are down and people are getting vaccinated. 

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