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What is your opinion on the whole "Super Straight" thing?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    I think the lies and propaganda put out by the trans movement and uncritically accepted by the mainstream as true is alarming. Literally nothing reported was true. A dark skinned Indian teenager came up with it after accepting what trans people had told him which is that a straight person could not NOT have sex with a trans person and "be straight." "OK," he said, "I guess I'm a different sexual orienttation -- super straight." Then they threatened to murder his mother if he didn't take down the video.  There were no Nazis or white Supremacists or even transphobes. The reddit sub was satire. They raised $7,000 for rape shelter and trans activist got their GoFundMe shut down and the money seized. Why does no one care about that?  That was EVIL.

  • 1 month ago

    A very understandable, although not super well thought out, (but I think it's partly satire, so perhaps that's not the point), backlash to the ever-increasing demands of narcissistic and entitled trans activists. Had they not been trying to shame gay and straight people for having exclusive, SEX based preferences, forcefully insert themselves into other people's sexualities, and redefine homosexuality and heterosexuality as homogenderality and heterogenderality..? Sh*t very likely never would have happened! But their entitled bullsh*t finally p*ssed off a bunch of straight guys, too! And that's when people finally started taking note of it.

    It really pisses me off, as a queer female and gender critical feminist, that women, lesbians, and to some extent gay men, have been saying this for years. And just been ignored, attacked, or dismissed as paranoid. But when finally straight men speak up, and say what we've been saying all along, just in a dumbed down and much less eloquent way? THEN finally society listens! F*cking eh... That just proves how deeply misogynistic and homophobic this society is! Although I in no way blame it on the straight men that have finally had enough now, and are brave enough to say it.. Good for you!! And I'm glad this debate is finally being introduced to a bigger portion of the mainstream straight population now.

    Anyway... These straight men are also getting censored by bigoted SJW TRAs, who seem to think we're living in 1984 by George Orwell! I know their community was just recently, unfairly, banned off of Reddit! Just like so many gender critical communities, and exclusively FEMALE lesbian communities, before it! So.. we're definitely together in that! I hope more people are starting to see these people for what they really are, and what lows they're willing to stoop to, to shut up ALL dissenting, critical thought, and ANY debate whatsoever! That they are not in ANY way the poor, suffering, innocent, oppressed saints they paint themselves out to be! That far more often..? They are the perpetrators and aggressors!

    Also..? I don't think the "super straight" movement is going far ENOUGH. They are still, to an extent, trying to validate these narcissistic sh*t heads. By making up a separate WORD, ("super straight"), for being exclusively attracted to the other sex! Which is bullsh*t! Trans women are men! Trans men are women! If you're a man who's exclusively attracted to biological females..? Congratulations, that is not "super" straight. That's just the very definition of basic heterosexuality! Whereas if you're a man who's also attracted to biological males who "identify" as women..? Then congratulations, that is NOT straight! (Although there's nothing wrong with that, of course.)

    What I am learning more and more, from arguing with these people..? Is, it does not help to try to meet them halfway, and be "nice". Because nothing will EVER be good enough, short of COMPLETE capitulation / surrender to their gender ideology cult! As long as you think critically about it, and disagree with certain parts of the narrative you're being fed..? It will NEVER be good enough, and you will NEVER be pure enough! These people will keep trying to cancel you, censor you, (so that people can't consider what you're saying, and perhaps start questioning things themselves), and hurl abuses at you at every turn! So because of that..? I am personally becoming less and less willling to compromise, and more and more inclined to just unashamedly speak the truth! Which is that biological sex is real and unchangeable. That "gender identity" does not in ANY way change that. That trans women are men, and trans men are women, which is in many contexts IMPORTANT! I rest my case.

  • 1 month ago

    That they know not whereof they speak.

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    In the future the super straights will be a minority and will need a special bathroom where LGBTIAQQXYZ can not bother them. 

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