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Is the sentence below grammatically correct?

1. My mother is bringing delicious chicken soup for us to enjoy there. 

2 Answers

  • 1 month ago

    It is, at best, poorly structured. I do not think it would be called agrammatical (the sentence is not violating grammar rules), but it certainly leaves questions as to intended meaning.  As written, I would think that you are only allowed to enjoy that soup while there.  Not soup for you to enjoy in general, but soup to enjoy there, only.

    If you meant that she is bringing soup there, for you to enjoy (don't have to enjoy it there, but that is where you would get the soup that you can enjoy anywhere you like), then you ought to say so.  Your sentence does not say that, so if that is what you meant, you have failed to express it.

  • 1 month ago

    'there' isn't needed.

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