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Is it dangerous ?

To go out at night time in England UK

Shall i not go alone and be aware

Is it dangerous everywhere

4 Answers

  • 4 weeks ago

    I was born in London I am London wise

    and I refuse to go down Mile end road in the Dark i also avoid the Old kent Road

    Peckham and Scunthorpe

    the west end of London is safe at Night Muslims don't Go to places where people drink alcohol

  • 1 month ago

    its dangerous  to go out alone at night time in any country 

  • 1 month ago

    Leaving the house isn't inherently dangerous. 

    It depends where you go. 

    Unless you're a woman... then anywhere after dark has the potential to be dangerous, depending on the men in the area. 

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    I am a Born a d Breed Londoner Most of London is safe But I will avoid Mile End Road Peckham and Old kent Road at Night

    to many Islamic Terrorists when I was Growing up in Fulham we could go anywhere without fear there were No Grooming Gangs and Paedofiles were only in the Roman Catholic Church

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