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Lv 6
Mark asked in Politics & GovernmentLaw & Ethics · 1 month ago

What to tell this friend?

For some reason he "thinks" He wants to buy a 34 foot camper that sleeps ten people. He does not work. Lives with his mom, his twenty-five year old son. His nine year old son. Does not own a vehicle. It was impounded. Because he hit a lady. He was on pain pills and currently still on them. He refused the sobriety test. The state suspended his license.  It will cost 750.00+ to get his license reinstated.

Gets social security (half the amount he was supposedly going to receive)  Has back problems.If he gets a camper. He wants to put in a propane fire place. He not to smart when it comes to stuff like that. He's broke by the middle of each month. Makes payments on a 65 inch TV. Which is too big for the room (bed). Buys his mom cigarettes every two to three days. Buys pouches for vaping. Had a heart attack back in Dec. He told he he would be quit smoking. That he did. Then starting vaping which is worse then cigarettes. He things it's all water vapor.  I do not see him that much. We live two hours away.  

4 Answers

  • 1 month ago

    Tell him nothing.  Nothing you can tell him is going to help him.

  • 1 month ago

    So you expect us to believe a BUM in his mid 40s hit someone with a vehicle, refused a Field Sobriety test, and wasn't COURT ORDERED to submit to a drug test prior to criminal charges?

    If 1/10th of your fiction were true, he couldn't get financing for a cap for a pickup.

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    I doubt your "friend" will be able to buy a camper with his credit history.  Your "friend" is a big boy and can create his own financial mess.

  • Maxi
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    Nothing at all is what you tell this 'friend'..........

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