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Omg why I never slept on porch before . This feels awesome did anyone sleep on porch before or just sit with tea lol ?

Haha why I never think of this before lol 


Haha lol like why not think this before lol 😅 it's so close to my room like lol 😂 too close closer than the bathroom close lmao 😂

Update 2:

I'm outside now lol 🤣

Update 3:


Update 4:

Anyone do this lol omg it's so nice lol I'm not trolling either thanks tc 

Update 5:

First time in life lmao 😅 

Update 6:

Omg I get my pillow etc I'm sleep here etc I don't care damn neighbors they can use other exit they don't use this staircase anyways etc lol  there only one neighbor this side etc so I don't know inneher do before but I don't care lol 😂

Update 7:

Haha but I don't know what to use for bottom or sleep on wood direct 😂 I sleep with face mask on to be safe lol 🤣

5 Answers

  • 3 weeks ago

    hohohoho so funny , yahoo answer shutting down on may 4th shut your mouth

  • 4 weeks ago

    Yes, that's nice when it's not too cold.

  • 4 weeks ago

    I used to do that all the time when I was young

  • 4 weeks ago

    I used to when I was little

  • 4 weeks ago

    Omg look 

    Haha so much space I could sleep if wanted to lol 😅

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