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? asked in Beauty & StyleHair · 3 weeks ago

Am I a freak?

My hair is dark brown but my eyebrows are jet black and so is my eyelashes, but my beard is brown. (It’s always been that way since I was born)

I don’t have much confidence because of the difference, I’ve never met anyone whose got different colour hair and eyebrows, I’ve even thought about dying my hair or even eyebrows to match but I’m not sure. 

Would this be a problem when it comes to dating girls in the future?

Nobody’s ever said anything about it but still I have in the back of my mind that I’m some sort of freak because of it.

Anybody got any advice?

Serious answers would be great.


Serious answers! Not interested in stupid responses, sorry not sorry

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    More of a werewolf than a freak.

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    Nah, you’re probably just Jewish. Do you have any hair between your eyebrows? 

  • drip
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    You must not be looking at other men much.

    Many guys have different color breads from their hair on their heads. My son’s beard has many colors and shade in it. 

    Eyebrows can be a different color from the hair in your head.

    You must not be noticing it on others.

    This is very common.  

  • 3 weeks ago

    Nope youre a unique human being and always have been. Embrace the differences thats what makes us special as a species. youre no more a freak then people who were left handed were and they were considered of the Devil. 

    So the advice i have is embrace your look. its unique be happy with yourself

    As to dating girls well be yourself there too. if a girls put off by your unique look she wasnt for you, youll find someone eventually who embraces your look

    just remember love yourself just as you are

    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

      Begin    perhaps to   re- write the narrative " but my BEARD is   brown ( it has always been that  way since i was born  )  Human off spring are NOT born with BEARDS

      BUBBLE  BOY WORLD question .... meaning based on the author's CLAIM  he has NEVER met another person who has a VARIANT in hair color  =  FREAK   in PSYCHOLOGY   the presentation  of  the BLACK SWAN FALLACY  a tendency to ignore evidence  that contradicts their BELIEFS and assumptions

      a tendency to BELIEVE  that things they have never witnessed don't exist

    a problem with  INDUCTIVE  reasoning  also a form of confirmation bias  people tend to  draw UNIVERSAL  conclusions  from a particular SET of facts

    suggestion seek some professional  counseling relate to building SELF ESTEEM   and read up on  inductive reasoning ..... regardless of hair color variant ...  DATING ... people with  low self esteem have great difficulty forming relationships ... they lack certain skills and  to succeed  need to learn certain skills  professional counseling can  provide those tools

  • ?
    Lv 6
    3 weeks ago

    Fail to see your concerns. Have often noticed a difference in eyebrow and hair colouring, particularly in females. Never heard anyone else complain.

  • 3 weeks ago

    You sound perfectly normal to me - physically at least! I have never noticed whether anyone's eyebrows matched their hair except sometimes when it's really obvious - a blond with very dark lashes and brows.

    You haven't told us what colour your pubic hair is. With most men it matches their beard.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    3 weeks ago

    Dying your hair is a good option since its easier to dye your hair than your eyelashes.

    Most girls would probably find it endearing that your lashes are so dark.

  • 3 weeks ago

    You had a beard when you were born?

  • There’s no such thing as a “freak”, just your genetic makeup. Doesn’t sound at all “freaky” in the slightest lol

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