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Female medical staff, do you practice what you preach?
Ive seen a lot of female medical staff shame, bully and ridicule men in to tolerating intimate procedures and care from the opposite sex when the man thinks he should be allowed the same dignity and respect for his privacy that women get in health care.
My question is, can you women tolerate the same thing you are ridiculing men for complaining about? Would you be ok with a male nurse/technician/medical assistant doing those same procedures to you or do you think its ok to demand someone tolerate something that you wouldn't tolerate yourself? What does the answer to that question say about you and your belief that everyone deserves dignity and respect?
Both well thought out and fact based arguments so far. They really address the question and directly answer the issue being discussed. Men are routinely ridiculed and bullied in to accepting opposite sex care and my question was whether YOU women would put your money where your mouth is and accept men doing the same care to you. Thank you for the detailed responses and fact based points of view so far. I see now why Twana Sparks got away with what she did with the support of an OR full of women
Both you women have a choice, men dont. Why are you ignoring the facts you misandrist women?
I didn't say anything about female Doctors, Gypo - read my question and stop being a man hating feminist that has to lie rather than defend your hypocrisy. Why do you have to lie if you are in the right?
Examples provided, 'Nonplussed' and you seem to be silent now.
2 Answers
- ?Lv 73 weeks ago
So you think women are treated with delicacy in their check-ups??? Men don't experience anything as humiliating as a woman does with her feet up in stirrups, everything exposed, and a male doctor poking around down there. I'm sorry that you now have to put up with female doctors- life's a *****, isn't it?
- NonplussedLv 63 weeks ago
WTF are you on about? You didn't give a single example, so what exactly counts as "ridicule?" Any HC worker, F or M, would lose their job for bullying a patient. Sounds more like a misogynistic fixation to me.