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Anonymous asked in Science & MathematicsBiology · 3 weeks ago

Name two main protein conformations and give an example of each and the protein’s role within the cell ?

what are conformations?


you dont have to give an example if you dont want to if you just give me 2 i will some research

Update 2:

Is there a no homework policy? like did i miss something? if i dont understand something surely this is the right place to ask regardless if it's homework or not

Update 3:

whoever said no way jose you're a bitxh 4ss njgga

5 Answers

  • Hello, i add, Amino Acid is produce all a protein kinds in the body.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago


    1.  Globular proteins.  Lots of enzymes are globular.

    2.  Fibrous proteins.  These guys serve as structural elements.

    You can look up examples based on those names.  Maybe.

    ...  ...

  • 3 weeks ago

    The conformation of a protein refers to its folded shape. Many proteins and enzymes undergo changes in conformation with they interact with a ligand or substrate molecule. Other proteins undergo a conformational change when they are chemically modified by the attachment or removal of a phosphate group or other covalent modification. 

    So, for example, hemoglobin undergoes a significant conformational change when it binds oxygen and goes from deoxyhemoglobin to oxyhemoglobin. The two conformations of hemoglobin are referred to as "relaxed" and "tense". Changes in conformation induced by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation are very important in regulating cell signaling cascades.

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    No way, Jose! The end of Yahoo! Answers means you may have to do your own work.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    3 weeks ago

    What a great way to do homework.. 

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