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you adults piss me off big time, i think my parents were out of order to punish me this way , opinions please ?

i have only just been let out of my bedroom, i have been locked in my room since good friday as a punishment for fighting with my sister, punching her in the face etc,

when my parents came to break up the fight i told my mum to piss off and if they think they can ground me then they are wrong, you have no right to keep me in go to hell, i was then escorted to my room and LOCKED IN  i had no tv phone etc , i spent the whole easter hoiliday locked up like a common criminal, it was HORRIBLE  i feelt like i was in prison, my other sister said i DESERVED to be punished and locked in, what do you think ?

1 Answer

  • g
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    Go spam Reddit with this.

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