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Mickey Jon Lee asked in PetsCats · 3 weeks ago

Will my cat find a fav place?

I have to move out and not by my wish. But in the apartment I live in now, my cat found a favorite good spot. I am worrying that he won't be able to find his favorite spot in the new house... Can cats get used to the new environment faster than humans and so he will find his fav spot again soon? Or he will miss his old place? Do cats miss the place they lived once? I mean even I'm worrying that I'll be missing that...

5 Answers

  • kswck2
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Just leave out a box a bit smaller than he is and wait. When he settles in, remove the box and let him find a new place. 

  • 3 weeks ago

    I am sure that your cat will find another Hidey Hole, a safe place to hide out and use for some alone time, just like humans like to have on occasion.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    3 weeks ago

    Just make SURE that you do NOT let him out for about 3 months because he WILL try to find his way back to the old place.  In your new apt, provide him with all of his familiar toys, blankets, etc.  Really, all you need are a few small cardboard boxes.  Put them around and he'll make a favorite spot out of ALL of them.  

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    I've moved my cats a few times and they have all adjusted pretty quickly.  Their favorite spots were either on a bed, or on the sofa where they looked out the window.  Your cat will he very curious and confused at first, and may hide, but eventually he'll come out and start looking around. It usually takes only a few days or so for your cat to get used to it's new home.  I'm sure he'll find a new cozy place.  I forgot to mention that none of my cats seemed to miss their old home.  

  • RoVale
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    It depends on the cat. Some cats get very attached to where they previously lived and will try to return there while others adapt to their new homes and forget about their previous homes.

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