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Anonymous asked in SportsBaseball · 2 weeks ago

Why did the Minnesota Twins cancel today's game?

Politics and Sports are separate. The events of Sunday, April 11, 2021 have no bearing on a Baseball game. MLB is not doing itself a favor with fans and supporters. This is going too far. First moving the All-Star Game out of Georgia and now this. 

5 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago
    Favourite answer

    I couldn't agree more. 

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 weeks ago

    Because the black players have outstanding warrants and were scared of being arrested .

  • It had to do with concerns over safety which is why the NBA Timberwolves and the NHL Wild did the same. 

  • Kathy
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Because of safety concerns following the fatal shooting of a black man and the potential for unrest in the area.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    I'm hearing concerns about the safety of people (players, coaches, umpires, park staff, concessions staff, employees at nearby businesses, and of course fans) in light of the potential for protests and possible violence. It's probably safe inside the park, but getting to and from it, not a sure thing.

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