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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsSingles & Dating · 1 week ago

i'm a 35 year old virgin male and i scheduled an appointment with a escort. will i finally feel better about myself once i lose my v card?


a lot of guys tell me that once you lose your virginity,  you stop putting on a pedestal and you talk to women easier 

19 Answers

  • 1 week ago
    Favourite answer

    i disagree with some of these answers. I'm 22 and personally I couldn't bare the thought of being in your position (no offence) so to cope at 19 i started seeing escorts on a regular. just to sort of get used to a somewhat sex life? you have to realise that's all it is. sex. like literally putting your pants on. people just get used to it and don't think about it after a while. thats why people are saying you'll be highly disappointed in your experience. especially if you get nervous nor hesitant in the activity of your first time especially at that age. you have no idea how you'll perform or what you'll actually like or don't like in reality. you'll learn that the hard way but escorts are a necessary in my opinion if you have never have had sex. not because you are entitled to it but for your mental health. this is why i strongly support sex workers who are passionate about it

  • 6 days ago

    I hope that you are doing ok

    Source(s): I'm worried dude
  • 1 week ago

    No you will regret it in the long run,you dont want some paid for escort,get a real woman

  • 1 week ago

    Nope. Losing your virginity just for the halibut  will make you look like a dirty pig. If you want love, you gotta give it. Treat women with respect. Put a ring on it.

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    You will not. Because your first time you paid someone to do that with you. There's no shame in being a virgin, on the contrary it is very commendable! It's not about putting p**sy on a pedestal. Many guys have been having sex for the longest time and are so addicted to it. So it has nothing to do with it. In the end, don't feel pressured by society, sex is overrated. When you do it in the right timing with the right person, that's when you'll find it enjoyable. Best of luck!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    i would avoid giving her oral

  • Good
    Lv 6
    1 week ago

    You won't feel worse.

    It a fairy tale and a Hallmark movie to think that the one you marry will be your first.  That's all nice to believe and it looks good on paper.

    The reality is, since you are 35 already, and you still haven't done it, by this time there is no point in saving yourself any longer I don't think.  What woman would be still saving herself at this age?  Go for it.  You're not getting any younger.

    Edit:  I read the other answers.  Don't ever take relationship advice from a woman.  Don't ever let a women tell you how to be a man.  If you do, you'll never get laid.


  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    I don't think anyone can answer that for you.

    Maybe you'll realize that while sex is good, it's not all that you have been building it up to be in your mind and you can start to relax and focus less on it, which should help when it comes to dealing with the opposite sex and seeing them as actual human being and not just someone to be used for sex.

    Maybe you'll like it so much, and knowing how easy it is to get an escort, start resorting to doing that, but then you'll start having sex without the emotional connection which can give you a skewered view of sex and prevent you from having a meaningful relationship with a woman later - just like a porn addiction can ruin real life sex. (There's a difference between making love and just having sex)

    Maybe you will go in there with this woman who is putting on a show with you for money and feel used and disappointed, which could work against you when it comes to relating to women in general.

    Or maybe it'll be something else... Just make sure you've thought this through before going ahead with it.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    Of course you’ll feel better

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 week ago

    Yeah... you didn't read that ad properly, she'll be taking your anal virginity with "Old strappy."

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