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Teen driving stigma  ?

17 and a lot of my classmates are driving already, I haven’t been on the driver’s side of a car before. I haven’t taken any lessons and I don’t have a permit. Is there a rush to learn how to drive nowadays. I think there is a stigma amongst teens to know how to drive and have a car before they graduate high school. Thoughts and opinions leave them down below.

5 Answers

  • 1 week ago
    Favourite answer

    Some people, not just teens, stigmatize others who don't follow their favorite trends. It really isn't their business to make the judgement against you for not passing their milestone which isn't a life requirement.

  • Scott
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    Definitely, at least when I learned to drive (1975). I don't know anyone that didn't want to get their license as soon as they were old enough. I got my license 3 days after I turned 16.

  • 1 week ago

    You're screwed, might as well drop out now

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Well do you want to be the one stuck at the bus stop with the bus running late and then your boss will ask you why are your late?  The bus being late is not a good excuse. So yes definitely learn how to drive it very important these days. Driving can be scary at the beginning you have to practice or you will never get over your fear of driving. And it's ok if you fail the driving test the first time i did too you just have to keep practicing until you pass.

  • 1 week ago

    It is your choice.  Learn to drive if you wish.  You don't have to.

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